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Outpatient clinics:

The Panama Clinic
Pacific Center

  (507) 6206-3897

 (507) 310-9926

Pacífica Salud Hospital
Office 218 (NAPSA) 
 (507) 6674-1769
EMERGENCIES  |  24 hours  |  Panama City
  (507) 6206-3897

 (507) 310-9926


General Neurosurgery

Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive (MIS)

Skull Base Surgery
LINAC-Based Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Telemetro Reporta interview. Nov 19th, 2020 - Brilliant Minds 
Relevants publications
  • New surgical technique: The Infratranstentorial Subtemporal Approach (ITSTA). 
  • The Pressure-Equalization Ratio for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients.
  • The Oblique Occipital Sinus (OOS) - Implications in posterior fossa approaches.




EMERGENCIES  |  24 hours  |  Panama City
  (507) 6619-3437

 (507) 310-9926
Panama City, Panama
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